What can I do?

Megan Robbins
1 min readMar 11, 2021

Have you ever been called lazy because you didn't have a job even though you have children and take care of them daily while keeping up on the house? Me too.

Then I got a job and got told I was in the wrong because I should be at home caring for my kids and kept getting told that someone else was raising my kids. I got so fed up with it. No matter what I do I’m always in the wrong to somebody. Obviously I’ll continue to do what I think is best. But at the end of the day its still so frustrating. So here I am a mother of three. On a blog site complaining to all of you. And I plan on continuing to write about all of these obstacles, judgements, difficulties, struggles and so on that we has mothers go through and have to deal with on the daily.



Megan Robbins

Mama of 3 beautiful babies. Just writing what we all don't want to say.